Tuesday, August 5, 2008


OOOooohh yet again!!!! First, I knew that when I signed up for this course, I was going to learn "some things" about the internet that I didn't already know, but Thing 11 is what I needed!!! In fact, I had been thinking over the past years that I wanted to catalog all my books that I use in my classroom, but I didn't really want to sit down and type them all in and not get the most out of how that would help me.

Library Thing is exactly what I have needed!! I have accumulated so many books over the years that I have even forgotten which books I have in my library. I have also purchased double copies because I didn't know I had already owned a copy. This site is fabulous and not only will it help me keep track of all my books, it will allow me to search other people's catalogs to get some ideas.

Oh, I love this site!!! Can't wait to get back into my classroom, unpack my books and start organizing them!! Yikes..I think I even have books in my garage that I have forgotten about! This is going to be a project but Library Thing makes it so easy!

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